Reiki is a short term for the Usui system of using universal energy force for natural healing, the healing force found in all life, at its basis. Similar in effect to therapeutic touch, Reiki helps balance and relax your body, mind, heart and spirit with a strong focus on the body’s chakras. In person, it can be used in gentle, non-intrusive touch. We can also use this energy in distance healing sending it from afar.
The Traditional Reiki story is fascinating, and it begins in Japan in the 1800’s however the story itself spans almost all of the written records of humanity which indicates that the use of Reiki goes even further than any written word. It has proven to be such a powerful method that its has even been taught to nurses and medical doctors to use in practice. (To learn more about the origin of Reiki, I recommend Diane Stein’s book “Essential Reiki”, where she dives into further intriguing details). )
More on Reiki Energy
Reiki Energy is regarded as life energy and its most effective with the maximum vibration. It is considered to have an almost divine quality and is such includes everything in a world where problems and disorders are deemed to be due to the feeling of detachment from this world. There is no division of Reiki energy into positive and negative forms but when a person undergoes a session of therapy, they allow the energy to be taken into themselves with beneficial effects. Essentially those receiving Reiki energy decide subconsciously just how much of the life energy is taken in.
Those who use Reiki regularly often find their more joyful, lively, and their own and built energy is enhanced almost as if their batteries have been fully charged. Existing conflicts within the person or broken down, and there is a greater vitality leading to relaxation and stimulation of the body. As this improvement develops the natural processes of renewal and removal of tax and advanced, and rendered more effective, ultimately opening up more of the body to the life energy.
Body organs such as the skin and protective system, such as the immune system improved, providing the individuals prepared regularly to undertake Reiki and in the first place and undergo attunement or initiation into Reiki energy. The initiation is merely means whereby the universal life energy is bestowed through the Reiki. Master act is a channel and the link with God/universe/source/higher self to release the healing.
An initiation is not absolutely essential but allows the individual to access the universal life energy, which is used rather than their own life energy. Also, in initiation convey is a greater capacity for using Reiki energy with no associated tiredness and further it provides a protective mechanism against any negative manifestations.